18 June

Introduction to ArchiMate Modeling Language

ArchiMate is a popular modeling language specifically designed for enterprise architecture. It provides a comprehensive framework for describing, analyzing, and visualizing different aspects of an organization’s structure, processes, systems, and strategies. The primary goal of ArchiMate is to enable clear communication and understanding of complex …

10 July

CheatSheet – Asp.Net Core Razor Pages

Configuration and Middleware UsePathBase middleware, to configure a different base path, this approach will not be disabled the default url/path Creating a Custom Middleware class and an extension method to invoke the same. Partial Views Invoke/render a partial view and passing data model Invoke/render a …

28 October

IdentityServer4 – Wrong Protocol in Discovery Specification

Issues when enabling SSL/https protocol with IdentityServer4 running besides Nginx web server. Problem: OpenId Connect discovery specification endpoint https://authserver.xxxxxxxxxxx.com/.well-known/openid-configuration returns wrong protocol. Refer to the screenshot on the right, it returns endpoints with HTTP protocol instead of HTTPS. Solution: To resolve this issue, we need …